4 min read

From setup to send: 5 steps to authenticate your business emails

Ever worry about your business emails not reaching their destination or, worse, ending up in the spam folder? Check out our guide to authenticating your emails effectively. We cover five key steps to help ensure your messages make it through the digital clutter and land directly in your customer's inbox. Ideal for studio owners and entrepreneurs, this guide provides easy, actionable advice to improve your email deliverability and maintain your business’s professional image.

As of February 1st, 2024, major email providers like Google, AOL, and Yahoo are implementing stricter policies to enhance security and manage the quality of emails. These changes mean that emails not following the new rules might face delays or even fail to reach inboxes.

Starting April 1st, the requirements become even stricter, with the potential for non-compliant emails to be rejected altogether. 

In response to these significant industry changes, MyStudio is introducing an update on May 21st aimed at helping you authenticate your emails. While not mandatory, it is highly recommended, as even leading third-party email services like SendGrid, Mailchimp, and Constant Contact are advising their customers to take similar steps. This enhancement is designed to align with the latest practices ensuring that your communications reach your customers without interruptions.

Understanding email authentication: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

Major email providers stated that senders should “strongly authenticate” their emails using SPF or DKIM along with DMARC to prevent spoofing and avoid having their emails marked as spam. 

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

Think of SPF as a guest list for a party at your house. It specifies which mail servers are allowed to send emails on behalf of your domain, ensuring that only authorized servers can send mail, reducing the likelihood of spoofing. 

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

Imagine DKIM as a wax seal on your letters. It's a digital signature that helps to verify that the email content is trustworthy and hasn't been tampered with during its journey.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance)

DMARC acts like a bouncer for your email security party. It uses the SPF and DKIM records to verify incoming emails and tells email providers what to do if the emails don’t pass the check, such as rejecting them or sending them to spam.

An easy analogy: Opening your store

Imagine you’re opening a new store in town. Before you can start sending out flyers (emails) with your address, you need to:

  • Buy the land (domain): Secure a spot where your store is located.
  • Set up a sign (professional email): This sign tells customers exactly where to find you and shows that you’re a legitimate business.
  • Get a mailbox (SPF record) or Stamp your flyers (DKIM): Choose either to let people know that you are the rightful owner of your store’s flyers. Setting up SPF is like having a mailbox that only accepts mail from known senders, whereas using DKIM is like putting a unique stamp on all flyers to prove they haven’t been altered.
  • Hire a bouncer (DMARC): Ensure that only the guests (emails) who are verified either through SPF or DKIM are allowed in.

Benefits of connecting your domain and email:

  • Reliability: Your emails are more likely to land in inboxes, not spam folders.
  • Professionalism: A professional email address reinforces your business’s credibility.
  • Control: You have more control over your email deliverability and security.

Streamlining your studio's online presence: Connecting your domain and professional email

Creating a robust online presence for your studio not only enhances your visibility but also builds trust with your clients. This guide will walk you through the simple yet crucial steps of setting up your domain and professional email, ensuring that your communications are professional and reach your customers effectively. Here's how to make your studio's emails not only reach the inbox but also carry the professionalism that your business deserves.

Step 1: Purchase a domain

  1. What is a domain?
    1. A domain is essentially your business's online address. Just like a physical address, it helps people find where your business resides on the internet. For example, if your studio is called "Sunshine Yoga," you might choose a domain like ""
  2. How to purchase a domain?
    1. Choose a registrar: Select a domain registrar, which is a service that lets you register and purchase domain names. Click here to find a list of best web hosting services.
  3. Search for your desired domain name: Enter the name you want for your business and check its availability. If it's available, you can proceed to purchase.

Step 2: Acquire a professional email

  1. What is a professional email?
    1. A professional email address is linked to your domain and carries your business's brand. Instead of using a generic email like “,” you’d use “”
  2. How to set up a professional email?
    1. Choose an email service: Many domain registrars offer email services, or you can use third-party providers like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.
  3. Create your email account: Set up your email account through the chosen service, linking it to your newly purchased domain.

Step 3: Enter your professional email into MyStudio

  1. Setting up in MyStudio
    1. Log into your MyStudio account, navigate to "My Account," then "Business Profile," and enter your professional email address. This action will automatically generate an SPF record.
  2. What is an SPF Record?
    1. An SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that identifies which mail servers are permitted to send email on behalf of your domain.

Step 4: Add the SPF record to your DNS settings

  1. How to add the SPF record
    1. Manual addition: Access the DNS settings from your domain registrar’s dashboard and add the SPF record provided by MyStudio.
  2. Automatic setup: Use the link provided by MyStudio, which can automate the addition of the SPF record to your domain.

Step 5: Verify your email

  1. Completing the setup
    1. After entering the SPF record, MyStudio will prompt you to verify your email. Click the verification link sent to your professional email to finalize the setup.
  2. Why this step matters: Verifying your email confirms the authenticity of your setup and activates your email service, ensuring that all future communications from your MyStudio account are recognized and trusted by email providers.

By following these steps, you effectively establish a professional online presence for your studio. This not only helps in branding and marketing but also ensures that your communications reach your customers. Your emails are less likely to be diverted to spam folders, increasing engagement and maintaining open lines of communication with your clientele. Remember, each step not only enhances your studio’s professional image but also builds a foundation of trust and reliability with your customers.

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